What is delegation?
Practical Delegation
Planning and control of work
Minimise the risk
Whose got the authority?
Monitor progress
Barriers to Delegation
What are they?
How to overcome them
Golden Rules of Delegation
Delegation not abdication
Activities to delegate
What cannot be delegated
When and when not to do it
Clear instructions
The most time saving phrase
People, people, people
Selecting the right staff
Coaching and mentoring staff
Developing staff responsibility
Giving and receiving feedback
Useful feedback is detailed
Planning effective feedback Steps for giving feedback
Feedback and communication styles
Difficult feedback situations
The Management of Time
Time planning and delegation
Strategies to minimise misuse of time
Establish good time practices
Why Delegate?
What is delegation?
Advantages of delegation
Delegation and staff development
Team development
Degrees of delegation
Who will benefit from the Effective Delegation course?